Moose season open until Oct. 15

Moose season opened Tuesday, Sept. 15 and according to Alaska hunting regulations for the area, the season will run until Oct. 15. Wrangell, Petersburg, the surrounding islands and nearby stretch of mainland are covered under RM038. According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website, this hunt is available to nonresidents and residents alike, with the proper permits. Before going out hunting, those wanting to bag a moose should be aware of the regulations in place.

According to the 2020-2021 Alaska Hunting Regulations, hunters are allowed one bull moose. Hunters must pay close attention to the antlers before pulling the trigger to make sure their moose is legal. A legal moose must have spiked or forked antlers, 50-inch antlers, antlers with three or more brow tines on at least one side, or two brow tines on both sides. A video, "Is This Moose Legal," can be found online at, under the moose hunting tab.

According to the ADF&G website, both successful and unsuccessful hunters must return a completed hunt report to a Fish & Game representative. Successful hunters have five days to turn in their report, while unsuccessful hunters have 15 days. Successful hunters must also show specimens from their kill, the antlers and lower front teeth of the moose, or a five-inch section of the jaw. For Wrangell residents, as the local Fish & Game office was closed due to state budget cuts, reports can be made online at

Hilary Wood, program technician with the Petersburg ADF&G office, provided some information on previous moose harvests. The 2019 season was the biggest harvest in 24 years, as reported in a Jan. 23, 2020 story in the Wrangell Sentinel. According to an email from Wood, 127 moose were harvested across Hunt RM038. There were five moose killed on Wrangell Island, only one of which was illegal. There were 12 legal moose killed on Mitkof Island, and two illegal. The most moose were killed on Kupreanof Island in 2019, excluding the Kake area, with 34 legal and three illegal moose.

The 2018 season saw 105 moose harvested. Two legal moose and one illegal moose were killed on Wrangell Island. Ten legal moose and two illegal moose were killed on Mitkof Island. The Kake area had the most moose harvested in 2018, with 30 legal and one illegal moose.


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