P&Z commission review proposed zone changes

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission met last Thursday evening, Oct. 8. During their meeting, they held a public hearing on a proposed zone change on city property.

"The City and Borough of Wrangell, in an effort to release lots for residential construction has proposed a subdivision for Lot 1, Block 35, USS 1119, creating 3 lots approximately 19,000 square feet each," reads the meeting's agenda packet.

The lot in question is currently zoned multi-family residential, but the city is looking to rezone it to single family residential. This would allow for single family dwellings or duplexes to be built on the property. The proposed lots are located at the intersection of Wrangell Avenue and Etolin Avenue, according to maps attached to the agenda packet. According to the packet, there were some concerns that keeping these lots with a multi-family zoning could create a safety hazard for the area. After some discussion, the commission recommended the lots be rezoned to single family residential.

The commission also approved a final plat for a subdivision and replat requested by Stephen Prunella, and a variance application request from Paul Zahorik. They also continued their ongoing discussion of the old Institute Property, but Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore said no final decisions had been made yet.


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