Breaking News: Mayor Stephen Prysunka, on behalf of the City & Borough of Wrangell

A CBW Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) official was recently threatened on social media.

This incident was deeply hurtful to the official involved and put the individual in fear of her own

safety, and that of her family. A police investigation is underway. The Borough Attorney is also

reviewing the incident as well.

No one should need to worry about intimidation and fear when doing their job. Differences of

opinion are understandable, and even welcomed in our community, but we all need to be careful

about the way that we express our opinions. It is not acceptable to attack an individual as you make

the case for your support or opposition of any issue.

Bullying, threats, and intimidation are unacceptable in all circumstances, whether disagreeing

with a public official or a private citizen. There are laws prohibiting such behavior:

· Making insults, taunts or challenges to another person in a manner likely to provoke an

immediate violent response either in person, on the phone or as a published electronic

communication may be considered Harassment in the second degree under Alaska Statue

11.61.120. This is a class B misdemeanor.

· Threatening or suggesting that a person may cause a public servant to take or withhold

action may be considered Extortion. This is a class B felony under Alaska Statute


· Someone making a threat that a circumstance dangerous to human life or property exists

or is about to exist with reckless disregard that the threat may place a person in reasonable

fear of serious physical injury may be called Terroristic Threatening under Alaska Statute

11.56. 810 and is a class C felony.

We should always be aware of how our comments can affect other people and even more so

during these unsettled and troubling times. The leadership of the City and Borough of Wrangell is

committed to making our community a safe and enjoyable place to live for all. As such, bullying,

threats, and intimidation will not be tolerated.

Thank you,

Stephen Prysunka, Mayor


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