The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

November 11, 1920

One of the matters which claimed the attention of the Town Council at its meeting Thursday night was the matter of the use of tobacco by children. The town marshal was directed to notify every tobacco dealer in Wrangell not to sell tobacco in any form to any child under 17 years of age. The marshal was further directed to advise the tobacco dealers that they are not to sell children tobacco for use by their parents or other adults, except on a written order stipulating the date and quantity of tobacco to be delivered to the child, and this written order cannot be extended to apply to more than one purchase of tobacco at a time.

November 9, 1945

Monday, November 12, will be a holiday in the town of Wrangell. Stores will be closed as well as the City Hall and Post Office. Holiday weekend will be kicked off by the American Legion dance at the ANB Hall, Saturday night, at which a new Thor washing machine will be awarded by the Legion Auxiliary. Dance promises to be a gala affair with hot music playing in the best swing-time style, and a large crowd is expected to attend.

November 12, 1970

Many people in Wrangell have parakeets or canaries for pets, but Martin Massin has pigeons — about 50 of them. Each and every work day of this year he provides treats of chicken scratch for his feathered friends which amounts to about 50 pounds a month, 600 pounds a year and over a ton to date. As he wheels and deals his massive 950 forklift around Wrangell Lumber Co.’s mill yard, Martin is surrounded by whirring wings and contented cooing, and it’s quite a colorful sight to see dozens of these bright-plumaged birds as they use the machine’s huge spinning tires as a treadmill, alternating the speed and direction of their strutting to match their idol’s driving. It’s not so much that Martin has found himself some “pigeons” as it is the pigeons have found themselves a real “human.”

November 9, 1995

Bullets, Bulls and Wildcats opened the first week of Wrangell Park and Recreation youth basketball Saturday with wins to place them in a three-way tie for first with 1-0 records. Wildcats defeated Panthers 45-23, Bulls beat Bears 45-31 and Bullets downed Eagles 38-19. Games scheduled for this Saturday are Bears-Eagles, 9 a.m.; Wildcats-Bullets 10:15 a.m.; and Panthers-Bulls 11:30 a.m. This year’s coaches are Todd White, Dean Barker, Craig Villarma, Fred Angerman, Greg Roberts and Holly Nore. Assistants are Jeff Jabusch, Gary Allen Jr., Monic Martin, Mark Seimers, Joel Peterman and Mark Jeffers.


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