Planning and Zoning Commission approve plat reviews

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission met last Thursday evening, Nov. 12, to cover several items. There were three plat reviews on the agenda that night, two preliminary and one final.

A final plat review of the Alaska Trust Land Survey 2020-2. According to the agenda packet, Johnson Construction and Victor and Kaelene Harrison are seeking to purchase lands behind their existing lots from the Alaska Mental Health Trust. A preliminary plat was approved with conditions back in September. This item was approved.

The two preliminary plat reviews on the docket were also approved by the commission. One was in regards to Tidewater Investments, which is looking to combine 16 lots they own with a filled tideland lot that the city owns. The other was in regards to the Woodbury Industrial Subdivision. Woodbury requested to purchase Lot 6A, Block 61, according to the agenda packet, located behind his existing lots in the Industrial Park. The agenda packet also states that Mike Matney will be purchasing a portion of Lot 6A.

The commission approved of a conditional use permit to operate a bed and breakfast within Apartment C of Massin Rentals.

The commission also held a discussion on draft zoning districts for the Institute Property. Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore said that a workshop, to look further into zoning for the Institute Property, was being scheduled for the near future.


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