SEARHC rolling back free asymptomatic tests

In a Nov. 17 press release, the Southeast Alaska Health Consortium announced that they would soon be discontinuing their free asymptomatic COVID-19 testing program. This program has offered free COVID-19 tests for members of the public not showing any symptoms of COVID-19, freely across many Southeast Alaskan communities. According to their press release, this decision to roll back the tests is in response to the surge of COVID cases across Alaska, and the need to prioritize symptomatic testing.

"SEARHC was able to administer thousands of tests to asymptomatic patients thanks to an Indian Health Services grant," Dr. Elliot Bruhl, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, said in the press release. "Due to the demand for testing, grant funds have been depleted. By prioritizing symptomatic patients, we will be able to ensure those who must have a test have access to them. We encourage all patients to continue utilizing free, asymptomatic testing clinics in participating communities until the program sunsets."

In Wrangell, from now on, testing will only be made available on Saturdays at the SEARHC AICS clinic from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free asymptomatic testing will cease altogether on Dec. 19 across the entire consortium. Free asymptomatic testing came to an end in Sitka earlier this month, on Nov. 2. The tests were ceased in Juneau, as well, to prioritize symptomatic testing. Other Southeast communities can anticipate free asymptomatic testing for a little while longer, at a reduced availability. The press release encourages the public to visit for testing locations and hours. Moving forward, according to the press release, those wanting an asymptomatic test will have to cover the cost at the time of testing, and must schedule an appointment.

COVID-19 tests are available to those meeting symptomatic guidelines, according to the press release. Symptoms include fever, coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headaches, a loss of taste or smell, a sore throat, congestion, a runny nose, or diarrhea. Symptomatic COVID-19 tests are by referral only for community members who meet testing criteria. The press release states that anyone feeling ill or experiencing symptoms should call their healthcare provider or the COVID-19 Hotline at (907) 966-8799. More information can be found at


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