The Way We Were

December 16, 1920

Mrs. Towers is drilling the children on Christmas carols for a musical program to be given in the assembly Christmas week. At four o’clock on Christmas eve the carol singers will march in a body down Front street as far as the Episcopal Church and return by Church street. If it is convenient it is requested that a candle be placed in the windows of business houses and residences passed by the children.

December 14, 1945

First new car since the war to be delivered to a Wrangell dealer arrived on the North Sea last Saturday for City Motor Service. It is a Dodge pick-up bought by Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Binkley and a right snappy model it is. “Before I had it from the dock to the garage, I could have sold it a dozen times,” George Gunderson, Dodge dealer said. “But I hope to have some new cars shortly.” The Binkleys will use the car in connection with their smoked salmon cannery operations.

December 17, 1970

The Lee Stellas and

their neighbors, with a little help from the city, have lighted a beautiful 35-foot live Christmas tree growing in the Stellas’ yard near the ferry terminal. It must be a beautiful and warm sight for folks on the ferry to close Wrangell’s shore with that

gaily-lighted tree getting

bigger and more beautiful.

December 15, 1995

Santa Claus will visit Wrangell from 3:30 to 4:45 pm Dec. 17 according to his Wrangell spokeswoman, Jeanette Vincent. Santa will arrive aboard Alaska Marine Highway’s System Matanuska. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Claus. Santa travels via ferries to communities in Southeast Alaska.


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