The Way We Were

December 23, 1920

The merchants of Wrangell have had unusually beautiful window displays this year. Toys, jewelry, articles of wearing apparel, tempting foodstuffs, and fruits and nuts, mingled with brilliant reds and greens of the holiday decorations, have made the stores very attractive. The cut in prices made by several of the merchants has been appreciated by the Christmas shopper. On Christmas Eve, the stores will be kept open late as usual.

December 21, 1945

Wrangell has been busily preparing this week for its first peacetime Christmas in four years. Store windows have been gaily lighted, and many private homes have beautiful outdoor decorations of colored lights, something that was prohibited during the war years. A large Christmas tree has been erected in the center of town, on Front street, facing the Coliseum theater and Den O’Sweets and is also resplendent with lights.

December 24, 1970

Old Santa has always been very busy along about Christmas time and no matter how willing, he could never keep all of his personal appearance requests. For years he had a volunteer helper in Wrangell who not only gave his time, but also supplied his own red suit and white beard. Any school, organization or individual in need of a Santa Claus had only to pick up the phone, make a call, and he was there. As a matter of fact, the guy made so many appearances the kids in town knew it was really J. Dar Smith under the snowy beard, but with the profound wisdom and faith found only in children, they knew he was only filling in until the real thing came.

December 21, 1995

The Salvation Army is celebrating Christmas by distributing new toys and food boxes to children and needy families, said Lt. Michael Turnlund. The distributions started Tuesday afternoon with new toys going to children from infants to young teen-agers, said Turnlund. The dinner boxes include a ham and all the trimmings, he said. Turnlund expects 45 to 50 families or more to participate up to Christmas Eve.


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