The Way We Were

January 6, 1921

The entertainment by the Sisters and Brothers society on New Year’s night was well attended, and proved to be a most enjoyable affair. Early in the evening there was a masked parade up Front street which was the beginning of the evening’s festivities. A light lunch was served for which only 25 cents was charged. The entertainment was not strictly a benefit affair, yet $66.15 was realized from the event. The Sisters and Brothers society is a beneficiary organization, but unlike most societies of that kind, it has often extended for its charity to persons not members of the organization who happened to be in distress through sickness or death in their families.

December 28, 1945

The war is definitely over! For six long months the Wrangell Sentinel had been trying to obtain an electric stereotyper (one of those things you cast cuts with.) On this week’s boat it arrived. Great was the celebration in The Sentinel office. Great also, we suspect, will be the feeling in the hearts of our advertisers. From now on they will get advertisements the way they were meant to look. The stereotyper is similar to those used in the biggest and best shops and is one of the newest of post-war models. As we always say—-nothing’s too good for The Sentinel!!!!

December 31, 1970

Fire early this morning did considerable damage to Frank Young’s three-story apartment house and barber shop on Front Street. Young and the Al Brock family, who also live there, were routed by flames which apparently started in the third floor storage closet. Smoke, flame and water damage occurred throughout the building, said Fire Chief Gordon Buness. No one was injured, more than 20 volunteer firemen responded to the alarm, and worked three hours quelling the fire. Buness said the structure, which was about 75 years old, was made uninhabitable by the flames. The Brocks, who have three children, and Young have been looking for other quarters.

January 4, 1996

Angerman’s Special-Tee’s and Mike and Carol Hay won Wrangell’s Chamber of Commerce Christmas Decorating Contest. Angerman’s won for best use of retail merchandise in a Christmas setting and received $75. Second place in the business category went to Tearesa’s ($50) for Christmas spirit, and third place went to Tyee Travel ($25) for best use of Christmas decorations in a store. The Hays received $75 for first place in the residential category. Ron and Marlene Merritt place second ($50) and Bryant and Joan Benjamin placed third ($25). Residential winners were selected for their simplicity of the season.


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