Hoop Shoot netted 33 contestants

Ryder Ritchie's practice paid off at the annual Elks Hoop Shoot last Saturday, as he won first place among 8- and 9-year-old boys.

"I really like it," Ryder said. "I really, really practiced on my basketball hoop at the house. I got good at it and I want to do it some more."

Participants were split pretty evenly at the community center gym Jan. 23, with 18 girls and 15 boys. Though in "normal" years, local winners can advance and try for nationals, there will be no national Hoop Shoot this pandemic year, said Wrangell organizer Jeff Jabusch.

Regardless, he said, volunteers still wanted to put together something fun for Wrangell's kids.

The last Wrangell Hoop Shoot, held in December 2019, saw a record 51 participants.

"The numbers were down but we kind of expected it," Jabusch said, adding that it was still a good event regardless. "One more year in the books."

Safety precautions put in place for this year's shoot, Jabusch said. Chairs for participants were spread out through the gym, and spectators were limited. Kids were also each given their own basketball to shoot with and take home, so they were not sharing.

Kids were also asked to wear masks whenever they were not taking free throws, though some kids chose to keep their masks on the entire time.

The rules of the Hoop Shoot are simple: Participants are allowed up to five "practice" shots, and then they have 25 chances to make as many baskets as they can. The kids were also divided into three different age groups, coming into the gym at different times to further limit the number of people gathering.

Results from the event:

8 and 9 year olds

Girls: Kaiya Brevick, first place; Charlie Nelson, second place; Claire Rooney, third place.

Boys: Ryder Ritchie, first place; Conner Blake, second place; no third-place finisher.

10 and 11 year olds

Girls: Evylin Gadd, first place; Haidyn Gadd, second place; Claire Carney, third place.

Boys: Aadyn Gillen, first place; Michael Cook, second place; Lucas Stearns, third place.

12 and 13 year olds

Girls: Paige Hoyt, first place; Hailey Cook, second place; Christina Johnson, third place.

Boys: Brody Knecht, first place; Keaton Gadd, second place; Cody Barnes, third place.


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