FROM THE PUBLISHER: Sentinel cuts prices for ads in visitors guide

It is going to be another rough year for Southeast Alaska communities. The closure of Canadian waters to cruise ships on their way to and from Alaska is going to mean a lot fewer visitors to towns up and down the Panhandle. Wrangell is among them.

But some visitors will still come to Wrangell this summer, whether by smaller cruise ship, air travel or the state ferries. And the Sentinel wants to do everything it can to make that number as large as possible, promoting the community as a destination for independent travelers.

While Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway are much more heavily dependent than Wrangell on large cruise ships and their one-day visits, our community has a lot to offer visitors who plan for longer stays. Bear viewing at Anan Creek, the Stikine River, charter fishing and sightseeing trips are among the many activities Wrangell can provide visitors who spend time to enjoy the area.

The Sentinel knows how important summer commerce is to the community and we intend to help. Getting through another year together as best we can is the only option.

All businesses - be they stores, tour operators or bed-and-breakfasts - that advertised in the 2020 Wrangell Guide can advertise in the 2021 visitors guide at half-price. You stuck with the Sentinel last year and deserve a break for sticking with us again this year.

For businesses that were not in the 2020 Wrangell Guide, we'll offer you one-third off last year's ad rate.

This summer is about helping Wrangell get through the year. It's about providing an even better printed and online visitors guide so that businesses and residents can send it out to potential customers and friends and family who may be thinking of visiting our community this year - or next year. The guide benefits everyone by helping to bring travelers and jobs to the community.

The Sentinel cannot do anything about Canada's decision to close its waters. Nor can we do anything about the weather, salmon runs, state or federal funding to help people and communities hurt by the pandemic. Nor can we do anything to make the virus go away except to follow safety guidelines and encourage the public to get their vaccinations.

What we can do is make it easier - cheaper - for Wrangell businesses to promote the community and bring as many visitors to town as possible, for this summer and for next year.

The visitors guide is an investment in a better 2022. It's important to Wrangell, and we want to help


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