Water quality back to allowable range

The city reports that levels of haloacetic acids (HAA5) in the community water supply are back down to allowable levels.

HAA5 is a byproduct created when chlorine mixes with organic material during the disinfection process.

The city reported that the level of HAA5 in Wrangell's water was well above the federal standard in late September. Levels have been in steady decline since then, and the test for the month of January showed a level of 42.1 parts per billion, below the federal maximum of 60 ppb.

Even though January's numbers were back in the safe range, the "running average" will be above allowable limits for the near future, the city explained.

"Wrangell's 'official' HAA5 level is based on an annual running average called the Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA)," the city said in a press release last Friday. "Wrangell takes official samples in February, May, August and November. This January sample result will not be used to determine the LRAA."

A new running average will be issued after the February reading. Until then, the official average for 2020 readings remains above the threshold.

Results for the February test sample will not be available for several more weeks, the city said.

The city has committed to monthly testing for better tracking, at least through June of this year.


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