Jehovah's Witnesses video provides COVID guidance

The Jehovah's Witnesses, which has a congregation in Wrangell and meets via Zoom twice a week during the pandemic, has posted a short video on its international website, "Virus Outbreaks - What You Can Do."

"Few events in modern history have harmed the emotional well-being of people around the world as has the COVID-19 pandemic," the denomination says. "To help address this situation ... the three-minute whiteboard animation offers families practical methods to cope emotionally and spiritually with the effects of the pandemic."

The video also reviews science-based health and safety protocols to protect against the virus.

The link is available at; click on the Library tab, then the Videos tab, The Bible tab, and scroll down to the Coronavirus video.

The Jehovah's Witnesses Wrangell congregation will return to in-person meetings at its rented space in the Kadin Building when it is safe for in-person gatherings, said spokesman Cuff Blakeley.

For more information, contact Blakeley at 907-623-7177.


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