Over 600 fully vaccinated in Wrangell

More than 600 people in Wrangell have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium.

SEARHC's COVID-19 website reported Tuesday morning that 886 Wrangell residents had received their first vaccination shot. Of these, 612 had received both doses, almost one-quarter of the community's population.

Aaron Angerman, with SEARHC, said they have started to share data online about how many vaccines have been administered in their communities. He tries to update the numbers every weekday morning, he said. The postings are at http://www.covid19.searhc.org, under the frequently asked questions tab. Registration to receive the vaccinations can also be done at this website.

There has been a small spike in cases in Wrangell this past week, with four active cases in the community. The case count prompted the postponement of numerous community events, the closure of parks and recreation facilities, and a temporary move to distance learning by the school district.

The district moved to distance learning Feb. 26, and has announced it plans to reopen on Monday.

Petersburg, Wrangell's neighbor, has seen more than 70 new cases within the past two weeks.


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