State, British Columbia end transboundary river data collection

Alaska officials and authorities in British Columbia announced they have completed and will not continue data collection on three transboundary watersheds, including the Stikine River, despite concerns from fishing and tribal interests that the effort does not go far enough.

The work stemmed from concerns about possible damage that mining activity in Canada could inflict on waters that cross into Alaska. A 22-page final report released Feb. 25 culminated two years of data collected from water, sediment and fish tissue from the three waterways: The Stikine, the Taku River just south of Juneau, and the Unuk River, north of Ketchikan.

The report said two years of data showed that the waters studied met quality standards on Alaska’s side of the border. There were times when heavy metals were over the limit in the sediment, but the report said there are a lot of naturally occurring minerals in the region.

“The transboundary region between Northwest British Columbia and Southeast Alaska contains important mineral resources and fish habitats that are culturally and economically significant,” the report said. Following the 2014 Mount Polley Mine tailings dam failure in central British Columbia, the state and province started a joint working group on monitoring water quality.

The state of Alaska and the province of British Columbia said their work is done.

“Given the existence of other sampling programs planned by state, federal or provincial agencies throughout the transboundary region, there is no need to continue the joint program,” the state and province said in a joint statement.

In support of ending the joint effort, the report determined “that water quality monitoring programs conducted by operating mines and advanced exploration projects are within acceptable limits for data quality assurance.”

British Columbia officials like Greg Tamblyn, who works in the regional water quality section at the provincial Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, said the joint program had become redundant.

Congress last year appropriated more money for stream monitoring, much of it at border stream gauges operated by the U.S. Geological Survey, reported public radio network CoastAlaska.

“With all the resources, didn’t feel like it was necessary for multiple agencies to be collecting the same thing,” said Terri Lomax, a program manager with the state Department of Environmental Conservation.

Critics including some local tribes, fishermen and scientists have argued that the governments have not done enough to ensure water quality is adequate.

United Fishermen of Alaska, a group representing commercial fishing interests, said the state is not taking its responsibility seriously enough.

The Taku and Stikine are significant salmon-producing rivers that provide an important food source for Southeast residents but have struggled in recent years with weak returns.

“We have made every attempt possible to engage the state of Alaska on this issue, and the fact that they arrived at these premature conclusions is a disservice to Alaskans and the fishing communities of Southeast Alaska,” United Fishermen executive director Frances Leach said in a statement. “We need our federal delegation to elevate this issue to the highest levels.”

Some scientists who study the watersheds have said that several years of water studies is not enough to properly measure health.

“You can’t measure a given site once or twice a year for two years and claim that you know the baseline watershed health of that area,” said Chris Sergeant, a freshwater ecologist at the University of Montana’s Flathead Lake Biological Station.

Tlingit & Haida Tribal Vice President Will Micklin argued that the state and province’s data set is not comprehensive enough. “It is one step forward, it is not the end of the journey,” Micklin said.


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