Volunteers needed for Fourth; royalty kickoff set for May 31

Plans are set for the Fourth of July royalty kickoff event May 31, while planning is underway for the four-day holiday celebration a month later - but volunteers are still needed.

"The big one we really need is for someone to step up for the parade," said Kimberly Cooper, of the chamber of commerce, which leads Wrangell's annual Fourth of July activities.

Volunteers also are needed for game and food booths, she said.

While planning continues for July 1-4 events, Wrangell's celebration will begin with the introduction of this year's two royalty candidates - Emma Martinsen and Cassady Cowen - at 6 p.m. May 31 at the downtown pavilion.

The candidates will sell the raffle tickets that raise money for the Fourth of July festivities, while also helping the two high school students earn money for their educational pursuits. Martinsen will open up her food booth on June 1, while Cowen will work other ways at selling tickets, Cooper said.

The theme of this year's celebration will be "Find Your Adventure," with a logo designed by Tawney Crowley.

In addition to the July 4 parade and fireworks the evening of July 3, the four days of events are planned to include races - on land and in the water - shooting competition, logging show, egg toss, Art Clark Scrap Fish Derby and more.

The full schedule of events will be printed in the Sentinel the week before the holiday.

All of the events will be outdoors, and the chamber will follow community guidelines to guard against COVID-19 infections, Cooper said.

Anyone interesting in volunteering to help with a Fourth event can call the chamber at 874-3901, stop by the chamber office, or email stephanie@wrangellchamber.com.


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