High school graduation back indoors Friday

Wrangell High School graduating class wanted to do something different this year and the students were looking forward to staging the ceremonies on the city dock. But an unkind weather forecast pushed them back into the community gym, where graduation is set for 7 p.m. Friday.

“The weather forecast was not so favorable,” Megan Powell, adviser to the class of 2021, said Monday.

Though attendance will be restricted only to graduates and limited guests per student, the event will be livestreamed on the school district YouTube channel.

The 7 p.m. ceremonies will include a slide show of senior photos — baby pictures, too — and letters from parents.

Science teacher Heather Howe will be the guest speaker at graduation. The student class co-valedictorians and salutatorian also will speak at the event.

This year’s graduating class includes:

Co-valedictorians Terra Hoyt and Bruce Smith

Salutatorian Jade Balansag

Brett Abrahamson

Robyn Booker

Jacob Allen

Annabelle Garcia-Rangel

Thien Khuong

Julia Miethe

Ashlee Barnes

Logan Ritchie

Alexander Rooney

Elizabeth Stuart

Michelle Stuart

In addition to the high school students, several Wrangell homeschool students are also on this month’s graduation list:

Savannah Rosemarie Smith is a PACE Statewide Homeschool graduate.

Aaliyah Messmer is an IDEA Homeschooling graduate.

Caleb Joshua Watson is graduating from IDEA Homeschooling.

And Brian Christopher Jessop II is also graduating from IDEA Homeschooling.


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