Salmon derby winner nets $3,000

Wrangell’s king salmon derby, back after a three-year hiatus, closed June 30, ahead of the Fourth of July celebration. The biggest fish of the derby went to Trevor Acker, who caught a 36.9-pound king salmon near Found Island on June 17, netting a $3,000 first place award.

While the number of derby participants was not available Tuesday, Stephanie Cook, one of the organizers, said there was a good turnout this year. “There were definitely more people who were excited about it.”

Second place went to Randy Churchill, with a 36-pound catch on June 22, also off Found Island. Steve Keller took third place, with a 32.1-pound salmon near Bradfield on June 15. Churchill and Keller will receive prizes of $1,500 and $1,000, respectively.

In the kid’s ladder, first place went to Parker Mork, who caught a 23.7-pound salmon on June 27. Second place went to Titan Churchill with a 20.9-pound catch on June 15. Third place went to Kendyl Lachepelle with a 17.4-pound catch on June 25. First, second and third place cash prizes are $250, $100 and $50.

Cook said an award ceremony will be held at 6:30 p.m. this evening at the downtown pavilion. Beside the cash prizes, she said local businesses have donated several other prizes for people on the derby ladder.

The complete derby ladder is online at


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