Planning underway for Family Resilience Fair Sept. 11

The community group BRAVE (Building Respect and Valuing Everyone) is making plans for its fourth annual Family Resilience Fair, scheduled for noon to 2 p.m. Sept. 11 at the Nolan Center.

The intent of the event “is to make people aware of the resources available” for dealing with stress, food insecurity, maintaining healthy relationships and more. “Learn how your community can help your family,” according to BRAVE.

The event will include tables staffed by nonprofits, government agencies and service providers, said organizer Kay Larson. Admission will be free.

The fair also will include a baby shower of sorts for all the children born in the past year, Larson said.

“The event will be rescheduled should it need to be canceled due to COVID-19 concerns,” she said.

BRAVE was founded in 2017 “to provide advocacy for healthy relationships in our community through prevention programs, resource referral and community engagement.”

For more information about the family fair, call 907-204-0530 or email


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