Former legislator announces for governor

JUNEAU (AP) - Former state Rep. Les Gara on Aug. 20 announced plans to run for governor in next year’s election.

The Anchorage Democrat joins Gov. Mike Dunleavy, a Republican, and former Gov. Bill Walker, an independent, who have previously announced their intentions to run.

Libertarian William “Billy” Toien, who unsuccessfully ran in 2018, is the only official candidate listed so far with the state Division of Elections.

In a statement, Gara cited as concerns state public works construction needs, Alaska’s education and university systems and getting more revenue from oil production in the state.

Gara, 58, served in the state House 2003 through 2018 and was known for his advocacy and support for foster care programs, children’s services and education funding.

He did not announce a running mate for next year’s election. Under a new system approved by voters last year, candidates for governor and lieutenant governor will run as a ticket in the primary, with the top four vote-getting tickets advancing to the general election.

The general election will feature ranked-choice voting, with the fourth, then third and, if needed, the second-place vote-getters eliminated until one ticket is named as the first or second choice by at least 50% of the voters.


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