SEARHC seeks volunteers for Oct. 5 disaster drill

The SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium is seeking volunteers to play victims, friends and family members, even news reporters in a mass casualty exercise Oct. 5.

The drill is planned for 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Wrangell Medical Center, providing an opportunity for hospital staff “to test their emergency plans and procedures,” SEARHC said in its promotional flyer for the event.

“Some (not all) volunteers will receive extensive make-up (moulage) to enhance realism,” the flyer said. “Volunteers should understand that this exercise will look and feel extremely realistic.”

Whether they are pretending to be a victim, a family member or friend, or reporter, volunteers will receive a profile of the person they are playing to review and study beforehand. “Time will be scheduled to review individual profiles before the exercise begins.”

Wrangell has hosted disaster drills in the past. In 2019 a plane crash was simulated at the airport, with 67 people on board during the fictional wreck. This drill was a joint effort between Wrangell’s emergency and medical services, and the state Department of Transportation.

Volunteers for October’s disaster drill must be 18 or older, or have parental consent to participate. Those wanting to volunteer can contact Michelle Walters at (360) 391-4701, or email

Volunteer slots are limited, and people need to register in advance.


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