Borough will sell 3 residential lots

The borough assembly has approved the sale of three residential lots.

The lots are all next to each other on Etolin Street, zoned for single-family residences, and each is a little less than half an acre in size.

The minimum bids for the lots range from $28,350 to $31,500.

The borough will use the Public Surplus website — a nationwide commercial operation that specializes in selling government property — to auction the lots, just as it recently did for the unused armory on Second Avenue, which reverted back to the borough after the Army National Guard closed down its operations.

The borough will list the lots at a minimum bid of 90% of their appraised value. The assembly approved the sale at its Aug. 24 meeting.

“They are staying as residential lots. There will be some added costs for utility connections,” said Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore.

Rushmore said the lots would likely be put up for auction the first week of September.


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