The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

Sept. 29, 1921

After Oct. 1, the price of milk will be reduced to 20 cents a quart delivered to regular customers. There will be no reduction in the price of milk sold from Coulter’s meat market. Furthermore, those of our friends who are not regular customers, and who from time to time hail the milk wagon to buy milk, will not receive the benefit of the reduced price, which is to regular customers only.

Sept. 27, 1946

The first landline connection between Alaska’s capital, Juneau, and the outside world became a reality this week as Alaska Communications System completed installation of a cable from Skagway to Juneau and officially opened the circuit yesterday. The new connection affords landline telephone service to Fairbanks, Anchorage and other Interior points as well as to the states via the line installed by the Army during the war along the Alaska military highway to Edmonton, Alberta, and thence to the states.

Oct. 1, 1971

Mayor Don House participated Sunday at groundbreaking ceremonies for the Wrangell Church of God, which plans a building at Zimovia Highway and Wrangell East Road. About 50 persons attended the rites and watched as House and the Rev. Donald Unsell turned the first shovel of earth for the project. Onlookers sang “Rock of Ages,” and heard a reading from the scriptures and from Psalms. The groundbreaking followed services at the church, which is meeting temporarily at the Seventh-day Adventist Church, near the building site. The Rev. Unsell said a two-unit church complex is planned. The first building to go up will be designed as an educational center but will have an 80-seat sanctuary initially as well as educational spaces. Later, he said, a sanctuary with capacity for 144 worshippers will be constructed alongside the first building. The Rev. Unsell brought his family here last September from Houston to take over pastorship of the newly organized church.

Oct. 3, 1996

All of the patients of long-term care at Wrangell Hospital were served breakfast in their room this morning. It was a really beautiful day, and Cinda offered to take any who would like to go on a picnic. Most were very enthused about a day out in the fresh air. Maudie and Jack, Martha Jager, Stormy and I, Jane and, of course, Cinda to drive the van, made plans for a dutch treat lunch and a large bottle of Pepsi for each one (the first time I had more Pepsi than I could drink), as well as coffee which Jack really enjoyed. We sat at a long table with benches — with room for all of us. Lots of green grass, sunshine and our delicious lunches. Cinda took care of Stormy and Maudie, who both enjoyed the picnic, and I doubt if either one had room for dinner that evening. Jane finished first and went back early. What really stood out that day was how everyone enjoyed their lunch and all tried to help each other in any way they could think of, while hoping Cinda will take us out again — though we know the snow will be here soon. Written by Clara Benjamin, of the long-term care facility.


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