Tent City Days offer 20 events over 3 days

Wrangell’s Tent City Days start Friday and run through Sunday, with 20 events scheduled for the fall festivities that come a day before Alaska Day on Monday, which celebrates the U.S. purchase of the territory from Russia in 1867.

In keeping with the historical theme, there are some gold rush-named activities among the varied three-day schedule.

And in keeping with COVID-19 safety, organizers advise on the event’s Facebook page: “Please mask up. Follow state/local health mandates. Don’t feel well? Stay home and call your medical provider.”

Tent City Days open at 11 a.m. on Friday with a Zoom storytime presented by the library, 6 p.m. bowling and burgers at the Elks (with a prize for the best long johns), a 6:30 p.m. open swim at the pool, and 9 p.m. cornhole tournament at Rayme’s Bar.

Saturday morning starts with a half-marathon race at 9 a.m., a 10K run at 10 a.m., a 5K at 11 a.m. and one-mile dash at 11:30 a.m., all at the Muskeg Meadows golf course. Family Fun Day, including a scavenger hunt, games, food and face painting, also is set for the golf course, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

The day continues with the BRAVE Resilience Fair noon to 2 p.m. at the Nolan Center, open swim 1 to 2 p.m., a “fisherman’s crawl” race for children ages 10 and up at 2 p.m. on the grass at Outer Drive, followed at 3 p.m. by the Wild Woman competition, also at the Outer Drive location.

The high school volleyball team will sell Russian dumplings as a fundraiser at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday at the downtown pavilion, with a Taste of Alaska sampling of local cuisine at 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. — but seating is limited and contact Groundswell (907-268-4894) for tickets.

The Elks are holding a gold miners brunch 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday (members and guests only).

The deadline is 10 a.m. Sunday, to drop off items at the Elks Club for the food cache contest (canned, jarred, smoked or dehydrated) and for the Trading Post Best in Show contest (jewelry, woven or beaded items, or anything made from animal hides or plants).

A cribbage tournament is planned for 1 p.m. on Sunday at the Elks (sign-up at 12:30 p.m.), with a disc golf tournament at 1 p.m. at Muskeg Meadows (sign-up at noon).

Not to forget the dogs, Tent City Days will hold a virtual Cute Canines Dog Show for the cutest dog and best trick. Submit video entries to tentcitydays907@gmail.com. Entries are due Sunday.


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