The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Oct. 20, 1921

A new record in riverboat building is being established in Wrangell this week. The builder is Charles Binkley and the boat, which was begun Monday morning, will leave on high tide tomorrow afternoon for Telegraph Creek, B.C., with several passengers. Charles Vance and family, who have been here for several weeks, were anxious to return to their home in Telegraph as soon as possible, and both Barrington boats had been put into winter quarters. Mr. Vance failed to make satisfactory arrangements for the trip and Mr. Binkley decided to build a boat for it. Assisted by F.H. Gold, the work began Monday and the boat, 30 feet long with a six-foot beam, is nearly finished and has all the appearance of a speedy and reliable river boat. A 16-hp engine will be installed and a canvas cover will offer shelter. The comfort of Mrs. Vance and her baby is being considered and the trip will be accomplished in a far better manner than an open boat would permit, and in a much shorter time. Dr. F.A. Dan, a dentist from Port Angeles, Washington, who has spent a couple of weeks here, will also be a passenger.

Oct. 18, 1946

In keeping with its policy of using all available types of equipment and adding to that equipment to improve rescue capabilities, the U.S. Coast Guard has started a program to provide three new radio sets for each vessel of 125 feet or greater length, other than lightships and river tenders, for operation on 3410 kilocycles in connection with taking vessels in tow and similar operations requiring close coordination. The Coast Guard vessels will be equipped by next spring. Authorization has been given for the short-range SCR-536 Handy-Talk equipment. Coast Guard vessels will be able to give quick instructions to ships in distress, after first passing a Handy-Talky set to the vessel’s crew.

Oct. 22, 1971

Installation of a new fresh meat and delicatessen section at City Market is scheduled to begin immediately and be completed within a month. Rolland and Benn Curtis, owners, said a total of 130 linear feet of new refrigerated display cases will be installed in the new section, which will include self-service as well as service by butcher Bob Howarth. The frozen food section will be expanded in the project, the Curtisses said. “This will allow us to offer strictly fresh meats, delicatessen and frozen food items,” said Benn Curtis. The market also will expand and relocate its shoe department to the front section of the store. The new meat cases have arrived in town and will be installed by Gordon Buness.

Oct. 24, 1996

At its Tuesday night meeting, the city council authorized City Manager Scott Seabury to negotiate terms with Alaska Pulp Co. for purchase of the downtown sawmill site. The city’s $2.7 million offer has been accepted by APC owner George Ishiyama. The council also awarded the contract for clean-up of the former Wrangell Institute property to POLYSi, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and gave a $306,875 grant to Wrangell General Hospital for a new radiology machine.


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