Forest Service money should go to ferry system

Opinion column

Former and current secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Thomas Vilsack, who was instrumental in reimposing the 2001 roadless rule on the Tongass National Forest in 2011 and is planning to reimpose it again before Nov. 1, has announced a new Southeast Alaska Sustainability Strategy “to help support a diverse economy, enhance community resilience, and conserve natural resources.”

This is to be “a collaborative process to invest approximately $25 million in financial and technical resources in sustainable opportunities for economic growth and community well-being and identify priorities for future investments.”

While making a one-time reparations payment is consistent with action taken by the Clinton administration when it terminated the long-term timber sale contracts in Southeast, thereby eliminating jobs, payments to various groups engaged in “forest restoration, recreation and resilience, including for climate, wildlife habitat and watershed improvement” does not address or correspond to the harms that this policy of eliminating roaded transportation and economic development will cause.

The intended recipient groups either support reimposition of the roadless rule or are not affected by it. Because reimposition of the 2001 roadless rule will hinder roaded transportation in the Tongass, the entire $25 million should be provided to Alaska Marine Highway System to improve ferry service for all Southeast Alaskans (not just for non-transportation purposes to Vilsack-chosen groups). Reestablishment of ferry service to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, should be one of the priorities funded.

The funds could provide some of the bridge money needed to help sustain ferry service until construction of a long-term fix like the ferry/road network approved by the 2004 Southeast Transportation Plan and implemented by the 2005 SAFTEYLU bill. That bill was part of an exchange by which the state gave access to certain tidelands to the U.S. Forest Service and the state received the upland easements to enable road construction.

The Southeast Transportation Plan, which was approved during my administration as governor, remains in effect today. It called for shuttle ferries between islands, with roads connecting terminals on each end of an island. A major state victory in federal court in 2019 eliminated National Environmental Policy Act roadblocks that interfered with the Alaska Department of Transportation’s ability to properly site roads between terminals.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski told the Southeast Conference in Haines in September that she will seek use of infrastructure bill funds for the ferry system, including for electric ferries. It is self-evident that the 2004 Southeast Transportation Plan would be ideal for electric shuttle ferries.

Every plan prepared by the Forest Service, even during Secretary Vilsack’s occupancy, declared that such things as “forest restoration, recreation and resilience, including for climate, wildlife habitat and watershed improvement” were protected. Although 1930s’ actress Mae West once proclaimed that “too much of a good thing is wonderful,” Vilsack’s July press release provides no evidence that more money for more protection for already adequately protected resources is anything other than a “feel good public relations” exercise.

On the other hand, Southeast Alaskans see or hear almost every day in the media that there is inadequate funding for ferry service and hear about the harm on everyone in Southeast. Elders are unable to get to hospitals for medical care due to lack of timely ferry service. High school kids are unable to travel to regional sporting events because of insufficient ferry service. Fish processors are unable to ship their product by ferry because of irregular service. What service exists is interrupted by the repairs for the aging fleet.

If the secretary has any doubt about this, he should poll Southeast Alaskans to see whether they would rather have the $25 million spent on “forest restoration, recreation and resilience, including for climate, wildlife habitat and watershed improvement” or enhanced ferry service.

Frank Murkowski served as governor of Alaska 2002-2006, and as U.S. senator for Alaska 1981-2002.


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