Tree lighting, Santa and more to highlight Midnight Madness

A tree will light up. Santa will greet children. Hot food and drinks and gathering community members will warm the body and soul.

Although it’s dubbed Midnight Madness, Friday’s event will feature something for everyone, in addition to special holiday sales at Wrangell businesses.

The holiday bazaar will run from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Nolan Center, with about 25 vendors in attendance, selling various products. Santa Claus will make an appearance from 4 to 5:45 p.m. and then again from 6:30 to 9 p.m. in a giant snow globe.

“This year, in order to help keep both Santa and our kids (COVID-19) safe, we are going to have Santa in a snow globe,” a statement from the chamber of commerce reads. “Kids will still be able to say, ‘Hi,’ take pictures, and get a treat. Then kids can put a letter in the provided mailbox, and Santa will write them back.”

Along with shopping and Santa, a bevy of baked goods and hot treats will be on hand.

In the downtown pavilion, Baked for Breakfast will sell soup and hot sandwiches; Sweet Tides Bakery will have baked goods for sell; Thai food by Be and Tan will be available; St. Frances Animal Rescue will fundraise by selling hot drinks and baked goods; and the American Legion Auxiliary will sell raffle tickets and hot drinks to fundraise as well.

The hot food and drinks will help keep attendees warm, especially for the tree lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. between L&M gas station and the Elks Lodge.

“I think the event will have a big turnout,” said Brittani Robbins, executive director of the chamber of commerce. “So far this year, all of the events we’ve done have had high participation; more businesses and vendors and huge attendance.”


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