Annual Hoop Shoot Saturday morning

The annual Elks Hoop Shoot is back on schedule this year. The event is set for Saturday morning at the community gym, with staggered times for different age groups.

Last winter’s shoot was postponed to January, to stay away from holiday events amid concerns over COVID-19’s impact on the community.

Each participant Saturday will receive a free basketball to use in the Hoop Shoot — and will get to keep the ball.

A hamburger lunch at the Elks Club for all participants will follow the competition.

Boys and girls ages 8 and 9 will shoot at 9 a.m., followed by 10 and 11 year olds at 10 a.m., and 12 and 13 year olds at 11 a.m.

Event organizers are asking kids to arrive 15 minutes early to register.

Trophies — if they arrive in time — will be awarded at the hamburger lunch, said Jeff Jabusch, organizer of the Hoop Shoot. If not, a trophy presentation will be scheduled for later.

All participants, spectators and volunteers will be required to wear masks and sanitize their hands before entering the gym. They will also be required to remain six feet apart.

Competitors will be required to keep their masks on at all times except when they are shooting.

“This is part of a national program where youth start at the local level and then can compete to advance to state, regional and lastly to the national finals,” Jabusch said. “We have had kids from Wrangell make it to the regionals, but never to the finals.”


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