The greatest gift is worth remembering this Christmas

By Rosie Tollerud

The Salvation Army

Growing up, I just wanted to be with my family for Christmas. That may seem so cliche, but it really was all I wanted for Christmas. We didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't want to hope for a present. I know I most likely wouldn't get.

People though would come out of nowhere and have a meal with us. Family members I hadn't seen all year were all of a sudden laughing and hugging each other for the holidays. Joy and peace would fill the house and our hearts.

God created us to be with people. I know people can be difficult to be around sometimes. The funny thing about families is that many times we can be completely different like oil and water. Different is OK.

I'm reading “Windows on Christmas,” by Bill Crowder. It is a new look at the Christmas story through the eyes or perspective of each character of Jesus’ birth. Mary, Joseph, the Angels, the shepherds, Simeon and Anna all had a different background, different ministry or mission and different response to the birth of the Messiah. But each of these key characters took the news with faith and hope.

It doesn't matter your age, your lifestyle choices or your background, God can use anyone to spread the good news. Good news is not to be secreted away; it is to be shared. Anna (Luke 2:36-38) shared the good news boldly, and her good news was, “Redemption has come.”

The Bible describes every human being as being enslaved to sin and without hope in the world. The Christ being proclaimed by Anna, however, had come to set free that lost human race. He came to bring redemption — deliverance and rescue from sin and its penalty.

God loves you so much that he did the most unthinkable thing for you. He wants to fill your life with hope and peace. He wants to fill your house with warmth and love. As you celebrate Christmas with family and friends, remember the greatest gift is of rescue and redemption.


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