Write a letter, get a free Alaska calendar

Polite requests didn't work, so I'll try bribery. Not the illegal kind that infects corrupt nations and businesses, but the nice kind, sort of like how your parents offered you dessert if you finished the broccoli on your plate.

Think of a blank sheet of paper or an empty computer screen as that piece of broccoli. And think of a free 2022 Alaska calendar by award-winning Juneau photographer Mark Kelley as your dessert. Just as colorful as and artistic as chocolate cake, an ice cream sundae or a snickerdoodle, but with a lot fewer calories.

Fill in the blank sheet and come into the Sentinel office to take home a calendar. It's a sweet deal.

The reason behind the trade is that the Sentinel needs more letters to the editor.

The paper's main purpose is to inform, to fairly and accurately report the news of our community, Southeast and the state. Its other purpose is to share opinions, in the interest of getting people to think and decide for themselves, whether when they vote or when they discuss the world over coffee with friends.

Just talk and drink the coffee, please don't throw it. Same for letters to the editor, no pouring hot coffee on Sentinel readers who may disagree with your opinions. No screaming, no all-capital letters, no exclamation points, and no language you wouldn't want to hear from your kids at the dinner table.

Letters for publication should be based on facts, not the latest unproven claim on social media. Humorous opinions, educational opinions, disagreeing opinions are all good - most anything within the boundaries of good taste and within the confines of accuracy.

That last one is essential. The Sentinel will not print opinions and accusations based on unprovable "facts." A fringe blog or website (of any political persuasion), a tweet, TikTok video or anonymous posting will not necessarily be accepted as factually accurate proof in deciding letters to the editor. I am not trying to control opinions, but rather I am trying to steer public discussion to real facts, not hyped-up political garbage that masquerades as truth.

We limit letters to no more than 400 words, and shorter is always better. Typed, hand-written, email attachments all work. Just no voicemail letters, please. Email then to wrgsent@gmail.com, mail them to PO Box 798, Wrangell, or drop them off at the office on Front Street.

All letters must have your name and a phone number so we can call with any questions (we will not print your phone number but we will print your name).

Each letter writer in January and February can have up to two free calendars. One offer per writer. And even if we decline to print your letter for whatever reason, you can keep the calendar for making the effort. Just like getting credit for at least trying the broccoli.


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