Bill would allow brewpubs, distilleries to stay open later

A bill overhauling Alaska’s alcohol laws passed out of the Senate without opposition on Feb. 8, heading to the House where amendments are expected.

The bill creates new license types for businesses that sell alcohol such as breweries and wineries and extends the activities those businesses can engage in. Tasting rooms at breweries and distilleries could, if the bill passes, stay open two hours later, closing at 10 p.m., and the businesses could hold classes or fundraising events.

Senate Bill 9 is the result of nine years of effort by Soldotna Sen. Peter Micciche, the current Senate president. According to the bill’s advocates, the measure tries to balance expansion of the alcohol industry while safeguarding protections for public health and substance misuse.

“This legislation is not a special-interest bill, it’s a long effort from many stakeholders,” Kodiak Sen. Gary Stevens said during floor discussion of the measure. “This bill modernizes (state alcohol laws) without harming existing businesses.”

The bill limits brewery or distillery licenses to one per 12,000 people but gives municipalities the option to petition the Alcohol Beverage Control Board for additional licenses.

The bill also allows for permits so that catering companies could serve alcohol.

Organizations that submitted letters of support for the bill include Alaska Cabaret, Hotel, Restaurant and Retailers Association; Brewers Guild of Alaska; Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority and the Alaska Peace Officers Association.

“We know that (the bill) is designed to protect Alaskans from the adverse effects of alcohol,” Micciche said. It’s an extremely important segment of our economy and it continues to grow with tourism.”

The Senate President said over the years he’s worked with representatives from the alcohol industry, public safety and substance abuse and recovery experts to draft the bill.

“It’s not a special-interest bill,” Micciche said. “It’s an everyone interest bill.”


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