PFD application deadline Thursday

The deadline to apply for this year’s Alaska Permanent Fund dividend is Thursday. Applications must be submitted online by 11:59 p.m. Thursday, or mailed and postmarked that day.

As of Tuesday afternoon, more than 570,000 Alaskans had applied for the annual payment from earnings of the state’s 45-year-old oil-wealth savings account — which means a lot more applications are expected in the final week.

About 670,000 people have submitted applications in recent years, with about 640,000 determined eligible and approved for payment.

Last year’s dividend was $1,114. This year’s amount is being debated by legislators and the governor as part of the state budget for the fiscal year that will start July 1. The Legislature faces a mid-May adjournment deadline, with the dividend amount one of the biggest debate points before then.

Alaskans who file electronically for a direct-deposit payment will be paid in the first payment run in early October, a change made in 2019, according to the Permanent Fund Dividend Division’s website.

During the application process, Alaskans have the option of donating a portion of their dividend to community and charitable groups through the Pick.Click.Give campaign.

People can apply online at

The Wrangell Legislative Information Office can help people file online, or paper applications are available outside the office door in the Kadin Building on Front Street. The office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Call 907-874-3013 with questions.


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