If you're a regular reader who peruses the pages of the Sentinel each week, and if you're not a humorless sourpuss who avoids the comics, you've no doubt seen "Ritter's River," which debuted last week
The comic strip is something that's been in development since I joined the Sentinel last year. I've created many comic strips over the years and one of the hardest parts is coming up with character names.
This is where you, dear reader, come in.
In today's strip, you'll notice the main character, Ritter, who is a rat, with his best friend, a squat little raven with an attitude. I have no idea what to name the raven. In the past, when I've had trouble naming characters, I've taken the obvious route (hence how I came up with a pig named Pig).
I don't want something alliterative like Randy, Rick, Rachel or Roberta. I also don't want something that would be the alternative word for bird or raven (hence how I came up with the surname Aylesbury for a common white duck).
Anyone with two or three ideas for names can email them to me at sentinelreporting@gmail.com. The winner will be acknowledged, and the name of the raven will live on for as long as I draw this strip and people care to remember it. The deadline is June 24 and the name and winner will be announced June 29.
The comic centers around Ritter and his group of friends who live up the Stikine. Since I don't have any experiences of my own on the Stik yet, I am also relying on readers to send me their humorous stories about life on the river. If your story is chosen, your name will be in the comic strip you inspired.
Even if you have a humorous story that is set in Wrangell or the Southeast and not up the Stik, if it makes me laugh, I'll use it.
Oh, and if you have a boat and want to take me on a tour up the river to have my own experiences, I won't say no to that either.
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