Chamber needs volunteers for July 4th events

From log rolling to similarly shaped but much smaller and lighter wiener tossing — and everything in between, whether moving or not — the events over the long July 4th weekend are going to be plentiful. However, the chamber of commerce needs help.

At least 15 volunteers are needed to help pull apart raffle tickets for the annual prize drawing, set up and take down booths, direct people and generally help out wherever needed over the several days of community festivities.

Brittani Robbins, the chamber’s executive director, said there are about 15 to 20 events scheduled for July 1 to July 4, and they need help with all of it. Each event has a chairperson except the log rolling.

“Last year at this time, we were still scrounging for (chairpersons),” Robbins said. Finding volunteers has traditionally been difficult, but people tend to step up when a call for help is sent out.

Among the events to be held this year are a shooting event at the gun range on July 3, picnic and three-on-three basketball tournament at Volunteer Park, log rolling and logging show, crazy craft show and parade. The wiener toss is planned for the evening of July 3.

Help is also needed with food booths and games over the four days.

To volunteer, contact the chamber of commerce at 907-874-3901, or stop by the office inside the Stikine Inn.

The Sentinel will publish the full holiday schedule of events in the June 29 edition.


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