Smokey joins in bear-themed afternoon of reading

Downpours sure to quell any blaze didn't stop kids blazing a trail to the Irene Ingle Public Library for the final Reading with a Ranger story time for the summer.

About 20 children joined U.S. Forest Service staff and Smokey the Bear last Friday during BearFest, listening to stories about bears.

The kids listened to intern Claire Froehlich as she read from three different books, "How Do Bears Sleep?" "I am a Little Bear" and "Smokey the Bear."

The first book talked about the hibernation habits of bears, while the second focused on perils of bear cubs in nature. The third book focused on the origins of the Smokey the Bear character and how a forest fire played a role in that.

As children listened to the stories, a Forest Service intern dressed as Smokey the Bear ambled up behind the kids, drawing sounds of delight from most and cries of fright from others. Smokey sat down as Froehlich read the last book.

Froehlich, who attends the University of Arizona in Tucson, went over Smokey's rules from the 1955 Little Golden Book:

"1. Remind your parents and friends to break matches into two. When they can hold the burned end between two fingers, there's no fire left. 2. Crush out smokes, then use the ashtray. (I don't think that pertains to anyone here.) 3. Drown campfires, then stir the ashes to make sure they are out. 4. Never burn grass, brush or trash on windy days. When you do burn it, you should have plenty of help.

"Please help your friend Smokey to prevent forest fires. Remember his rules and help other remember them too."

Corree Delabrue, recreation management specialist with the Forest Service, said the program, held Fridays at the library, was attended by about 10 kids on average. Last Friday's event brought out twice that, and children were given a goodie bag with a coloring book, balloon and sticker for attending.


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