Police report

Monday, Aug. 15

Warrant arrest: Failure to appear.

Civil paper service.

Domestic violence order: Child custody.

Criminal trespass.

Tuesday, Aug. 16

Driving under the influence.

Letter served for removing a person from a licensed establishment.

Traffic stop.

Vacation check.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Subpoena service.

Citizen assist.

Wednesday, Aug. 17

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Inmate booking: Driving under the influence.

Agency assist: Post office alarm going off due to high humidity.

Thursday, Aug. 18

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Criminal mischief: Unfounded.

Friday, Aug. 19

Curfew violation.

Agency assist: Harbor.

Found property.

Gunshots: Unfounded.

Saturday, Aug. 20

Dog complaint.

Agency assist: Burglary alarm.

Traffic complaint: Dangerous play.

Intoxicated person on licensed premises: Arrest warrant.

Sunday, Aug. 21

Agency assist: Probation.

Agency assist.

Illegal dumping.

Trespass letter.

Missing property.

Citizen assist.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Agency assist: Ambulance.

Agency assist: Burglary alarm.

There were six agency assists for the Hoonah Police Department during this reporting period.


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