The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Sept. 14, 1922

At the Wrangell Commercial Club weekly luncheon at the Wrangell Hotel last Monday, officers of the Civic Improvement Club were present as guests. A number of worthy projects were discussed, but the one which was taken most seriously was the proposal to utilize the unused patches of soil on Front Street for little flower gardens. It was proposed that the Commercial Club attend to the fencing of these small parcels of ground, and that the ladies of the Civic Improvement Club provide the bulbs and seeds. Mrs. O.C. Palmer, president of the Civic Improvement Club, stated that while she could not speak definitely for her organization, she had not the slightest doubt that the Civic Improvement Club would at all times be found ready to cooperate with the Commercial Club in any efforts to beautify the town, preserve its totems and other relics, as well as to lend its moral support to any effort put forth in the interest of better sanitation.

Sept. 12, 1947

The town council with Mayor Barnes presiding held a special meeting with the school board tonight to arrange for the operation of the school for the coming year. In addition to the council and mayor, school board chairman Virgil Neyman and School Superintendent George Fabricius were in attendance. Fabricius explained how the school has to pay all bills and then send the vouchers for refundable items, such as teachers' salaries, school supplies and books, to the Territorial Commission of Education office, which refunds the amount spent on such items. He further explained that the school is still due from last year's operation $6,026 that was payable on June 30, but the territory informs him it will not be able to pay this amount until after Sept. 30. The council, on a motion by member Joyce Hay, voted to advance the school $5,000 to carry on until the territory's money arrives.

Sept. 15, 1972

A 10 percent winter reduction in fares has been announced by the Alaska Marine Highway Division, effective Oct. 1 through March 31. The winter rate and vessel schedule was made available last Monday. A state Public Works Department spokesman also said that the Wickersham will be the first vessel of the fleet to undergo its annual overhaul this year. It will be placed in drydock Sept. 16 and resume service Nov. 14. An original plan to lay up the big ferry for this winter for economic reasons has been discarded by the state. Meanwhile, representatives of the marine highway are scheduled in Wrangell next Wednesday to discuss planning for future scheduling and routing of ferries with community leaders and officials.

Sept. 11, 1997

At Monday's school board meeting, new middle school administrator Monty Buness urged that separate lunch times be set for middle and high school students, to ease the burden on local food outlets. Theater groups should be in for a treat this year as a revolving stage is added to the Evergreen Elementary gym. The board agreed to ask the Nolan Foundation for $4,000 for materials to build the stage, and the JTPA (youth program) has money left over that can be used to help fund the work. The new elementary school principal has volunteered to oversee the project.


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