The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Oct. 17, 1922

Mrs. Thomas Ukas has opened a home bakery on Front Street in the building owned by J.G. Grant across from the Electric Light Plant, and has on sale delicious and wholesome homemade bread and pastries of all kinds. In a short time, Mrs. Ukas expects to be equipped to serve hot lunches.

Oct. 14, 1947

Territorial Highway Engineer Frank Metcalf was in Wrangell last Monday and met with Mayor Doris M. Barnes and the town council, to hear and talk over the needs of Wrangell as far as his department is concerned. The council had specific projects drawn up in a letter, which they presented to Mr. Metcalf, outlining the most pressing needs of the city at present. The city figured the total cost of the whole project list at $35,000 but pointed out that it was broken down so that any part of the work could be done if all funds could not be obtained. Mr. Metcalf indicated that he did not believe the full amount could be made available and asked the council to point out the most pressing items. Mr. Metcalf said he would consider these recommendations and try to have $15,000 allotted to Wrangell for the work. He cautioned, however, that it would be up to the Road Board which meets this week to determine how much money Wrangell should receive, if any. The possibility of the much discussed road across the muskeg to a proposed seaplane landing site on Back Channel was brought up, but due to the small amount of funds available, and the more pressing projects, it was decided to wait until later for that project.

Oct. 27, 1972

Plans for construction next summer of a four-story A-frame lodge at the Seventh-day Adventist Church youth camp at Vank Island have been announced by the Rev. Harold Dawson, pastor of Safe Harbor Church. The Rev. Dawson said the 40-by-50-foot A-frame will be about 35 feet high. A foundation is in for the building, working plans drawn and materials ordered, the pastor said. He said the building will include a large kitchen and camp dining area, recreation and assembly room, an office and other spaces and will have a large central fireplace. The church has a Forest Service use permit for six acres of land on the island’s northwest shore previously occupied by the Heibert Logging Co. operation. Seven A-frame cabins have been built, plus a shower and wash house. Forty-six youngsters attended the non-denominational summer camp last year.

Oct. 23, 1997

Sunday afternoon, three (and a half) happy campers put their last load into their boat, hugged their friends goodbye and launched into a long awaited adventure – spending the winter in a cabin up the Stikine River. James, Cinda and Jamie Stough are finally going on the camping trip they have talked about for five years. Sunday was the big day for James, Cinda, Jamie and their small cocker spaniel, Lady, for they are not going to return to town until April 1998. The cabin, located on Farm Island, is next to the old Ellis homestead. It has three bedrooms, a loft, living area and kitchen. They have a 3,800-gallon water system using roof water, and the cabin has two solar panels. They will be using 110 power in the house, using a generator for two hours daily to charge the batteries. This winter, when most of us are enjoying a good movie and sipping hot tea, the Stough family will also be busy, making memories.


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