Doctor praises health care votes, endorses Rep. Ortiz for reelection

As a small town doctor in Alaska for the past 25 years, I have witnessed many changes to the health care system. We have had to weather many storms and at times health care funding and access can be a very uphill battle for Southeast residents. One champion of health care has been Rep. Dan Ortiz.

Under Gov. Bill Walker, Ortiz voted to support Medicaid expansion in the state. This allowed previously uninsured patients access to basic primary and preventive care. As well, patients were able to receive lifesaving treatments that were previously too expensive for the uninsured. It has been projected that some 40,000 previously uninsured Alaskans now have Medicaid coverage.

This has made a huge difference to many people here in state House District 1. Recently, Ortiz co-sponsored a bill with Anchorage Rep. Ivy Spohnholz to allow tele-health to take place in the state. This legislation increases access to providers for patients, especially those in rural areas.

This type of health care advocacy is good medicine for Alaska and District 1. I will be voting for Ortiz on Nov. 8.

Dr. Lynn Prysunka


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