Dunleavy does not deserve another term

Gov. Mike Dunleavy cares about Alaska and wants good things for its citizens. But that doesn’t change the fact that he has done serious and likely permanent damage to the state ferry system; that he has not supported adequate school funding; that he sliced the University of Alaska budget, cutting into student enrollment; and that his fixation on the size of the Permanent Fund dividend is politically popular but fiscally irresponsible.

If re-elected, will Dunleavy’s second term be a repeat of his first year in office in 2019, when he was headed to a recall vote before the pandemic shut down the signature drive? Or will a smarter and better governor emerge?

That’s too much of a risk. Dunleavy wants a good future for Alaska, but he’s not good for the state and it’s time to try a new governor.

Therein lies the dilemma: Who? Not Republican Charlie Pierce, the former Kenai Peninsula Borough mayor, who is embroiled in a third workplace harassment case that will add to the $267,000 the public already has paid to settle the first two cases against him.

That leaves voters a choice between former Gov. Bill Walker, running as an independent, and former Anchorage state Rep. Les Gara, running as a Democract. Both have their strong points: Gara is passionate about schools, child care, public services and getting more money for the state from oil producers. Walker has long been honest — to a political fault — about the need for a realistic fiscal plan to keep the state healthy, wealthy and wise. And he is correct.

Sadly, being honest doesn’t always win votes. And as for Gara, being a Democrat in Alaska doesn’t always win elections.

However, either would be better than four more years of Dunleavy. Both would be aggressive about pushing for more state aid to schools, child care and other essential services, and both would treat the dividend as a good thing worth protecting but not, as Dunleavy, like a golden lamb to worship.

When voters rank their choices for governor, Walker and Gara are the best options for No. 1 and No. 2, in whichever order.

-- Wrangell Sentinel


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