Letters to Santa

Letters from long-term substitute Holly Padilla’s kindergarten class

I would like a trampoline for Christmas.


I would like a Sophia Doll for Christmas.


I would like a fone for Christmas.


I would like a Dino Island skull for Christmas.


I would like an Ironmans nooter for Christmas.


I would like an apple iPhone for Christmas.

Blake Allen

I would like a phone for Christmas.


For Christmas I would like a fairy.


I would like Pokemon cards for Christmas.


I would like phone for Christmas.


I would like a doll for Christmas.


I would like a pet lizard.


I would like a unspekable plusry for Christmas.


I would like a doll for Christmas.


I would like a scooter for Christmas.


I would like rocket shoes for Christmas.


Letters from Arelene Wilson’s first grade class

Is the North Pole colder than Alaska? Is the North Pole a city or just a town or state? I clean the house by myself. I’ve done kind things for my brothers and sisters, but I forgot what they were. Can I have Pokemon cards, please?

Kayson Stewart

How do you make presents? I’m trying to be good. A few days ago I helped sweep the house. I held the door open for my grandma. I would like a Star Wars Lego book. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas.

Isi Pahulu

Are your reindeers huge or small? What would you like me to put out for you to drink when you come? I have been helping my mom do the dishes a lot! I’ve been letting my sister watch on my iPad when I get on it. I’ve been reading Dog Man. I’m on Chapter 2. Please, can I have a Mini Brand? Merry Christmas.

Reagan Smith

How cold is the North Pole? What does your reindeer look like? I’ve been helping my mom and my dad. Can I please have Pokemon cards and Electro Robots for Christmas?

Walter McHolland

How can reindeer fly? I want to go to the North Pole. Can I come, pretty please? You can wake me up on Christmas Eve. I’ve been vacuuming the house. I’ve been cleaning floors. The day after yesterday I was cleaning my room. Please, can I have a Lego plane?

Skyler Janssen

Dear mom and dad, how many more presents will you give me? Is anyone coming to our house for Christmas? What are we going to do when we have two weeks off school for vacation? Could I have a Lego set and a Lego book that has some Legos in it?

Darius Yoder

I have a question. How can you do every house in the world in one night? How do you fit in the chimney? One school day I helped Rooney get off the swing. She felt happy. I want a talking bank for Christmas. Can I have a mini ice cream truck for Christmas?

Ellie Silva

How fast can the elves make toys? How do reindeer fly? How do you and your elves make all the toys? I cleaned the whole house with a little help from my mom. I’m trying hard to clean the house. May I have some Legos?

Kannon Martin

How’s the North Pole? Santa, I’ve been really helping my friends, family and teacher. If my teacher ever runs low on snacks for the class, I can bring more. Can you bring me a Play Station PS5?

Parker Mork

Are you real? Can you come over to my house and wake me up so I can see you? Can you get me some coal for my papa’s stove? Could I get a dress for my mom. I want it to be below her knees. I would like $200 and an iPhone 13 and a bike and a blanket that makes me invisible and a new water bottle. Can I have a diamond necklace and a pet baby bear that’s real? I would like an iPhone 14 for my sister Kenzy, and my really own kitchen for me and my brothers. Will you leave a Lol doll under my pillow for Christmas? I forgot, I want a real live horse too!

Chloe Smalley

How are you? Is the North Pole cold? I have been helping my parents clean up the cabin. I would like a mountain bike for Christmas.

Leeya Gillen

How cold is it at the North Pole? Are you busy? I want gifts because I’m celebrating Jesus’ birthday on Christmas. Could you get me some zipper pajamas? I’d like them to be heart ones.

Everly Cook

How cold is it at the North Pole? I help my mom clean our toy kitchen because we’re getting rid of it. I’ve been good, because I help my brother put his TV in my room. He didn’t have any place to put it. Santa Claus, can I have a Pixie Pop for Christmas? Can I please have five Surprise Mini Brans?

Kennedy Eklund

I try to be good every day. What is it like in the North Pole? Also, Santa, do I leave the reindeer carrots on the roof or the plate with the cookies for you? I’m trying to be good every day, because I don’t want to get in trouble too, so I need to be good! So, for Christmas I’d like a new watch and a Poopsy toy. I really want a live puppy!

Finley Churchill

How are the elves doing? How are you doing also? What’s it like at the North Pole? Is there internet? Can I please get a dollie and some mini Brans? Can I get a doggy toy, because they are cute, fluffy, cuddly, and I Iike them. It’s Christmastime, and it’s the happiest time of the year. That’s the only time we get presents, except for your birthday! I want to give you a big, Ho, Ho, Ho!

Lillian Morse

I want a surprise for Christmas. I try to be good. I help my mom and dad. I help my mom make dinner and lunch. I help my dad when he needs help. I be nice to my baby brother, named Bronn. Is it cold at the North Pole? Are you bad or good? Do people give you presents on Christmas? Ho, Ho, Ho!

Greyson Allen

Is it cold in the North Pole? May I have a bike for Christmas? I try to be good. Sometimes I go to my friend’s house with my dad, and I usually help clean up my friend’s room when it’s time to go to bed. May I also have a ginormous doll house and a bunch of dolls? May I also get two plane tickets to go to Florida, so I can see mom with dad? Last, may I have an Apple watch, a Christmas dress, and makeup to wear for Christmas. Ho, Ho, Ho!

La’Vaiya Richards

I am 7 years old and I live in Wrangell, Alaska. How are you? Are you going to have a great day on Christmas Eve? What’s happening at the North Pole? I would like a Bakugan game and the Fox Minecraft Lego set for Christmas. I would also like a Dino Island Skull Set. Anything you’re able to bring, I will be very thankful for. I look forward to Christmas, and I hope you’re having a great day!

Mark Davidson

I would like to know how many elves you have. I was good this year and helped with the dishwashing, so please can I have a Power Ranger toy? Thank you and bye!

Sasha Lofftus

Hello. My name is Aura. This Christmas I wish for a big squishy puppy stuffed animal that is laying down. I want to squish it and play with it on my bed. Thank you.

Aura Schlotzhauer

Letters from Jennifer Davies’ third grade class

I haven't been very good, but you can give me coal. I Have one question: Where is my elf? Well, these are the things I want for Christmas. For every town to have a gymnastics room. I want my mom to be happy. I want Real Littles. That's all I want.

Sophie Lee Andrews

How are your elves? I wish for the world to be healthy. I wish my baby brother Hunter would have a Lego car set for 4+. I wish Waylin had a Minecraft Dungeons Lego set. I wish I had a puppy. I also want to have a Minecraft Lego set.

Justice Grey

I wish for everyone to get Christmas presents. I wish for Dylan to get an Oculus. I wish for Jude to get an iPhone 13. I wish for another elf and a reindeer. I wish for chocolate-covered strawberries. I wish for a Nintendo Switch $50 gift card.

Kyler Angernan

How are you? My wish is for a Gel Blaster. My wish for the world is peace. My wish for Syler is to have a good Christmas.

Hudsyn Welch

Santa, how are you? I hope you are OK. I wish for the world to have peace. I wish for an iPhone 14 for Jude. I wish for a VR.

Dylan Brenner

How are you? Are you real? How old are you? Has there ever been more than 1 Santa? My wish for the world is no more Covid-19 please, and my mom wishes for a new dress. I wish for a VR headset.

Syler Webster

How is Rudolph? My wish is for peace in the world. My wish for someone else is for Cam to get a Demon Slayer sword. My wish for me is a haori.

Taber Young

How are you and the reindeer doing? Do my elves Sprinkles and Cupcake help feed the reindeer at the North Pole? I wish for peace on Earth. I wish for everyone to have a great Christmas. I wish for art supplies, Hoverboard, crafts and Lego Friends.

Hailey Gablehouse

I always wanted to know how many elves do you have? Santa, I wish for the world to have peace. My mom has a breathing problem, and I want her to get better. Santa, all I want for Christmas is to live with my mom and Casey.

Ayla Daugherty

How are the reindeer? I wish for the world to have peace. My wish for someone else is for my dad to get an Apple Watch. My wish is to get an iPhone13 and a Fit Bit.

Jude Johnson

How are you and how many elves do you have? One wish for the world is for global warming to stop. My wish for someone else is for my mom’s car to work again. So my mom won’t have to ask her friend to come over every morning of the week to drive her to work. What I want for Christmas is the new iPhone14, so I won’t have don’t have to use my mom’s phone to text my friends.

Dima Aleksieva

How are you? How are the reindeer? I have some wishes. This one is for the world. I wish for world peace. This wish is for someone else. I wish for Kelcey to find something that makes her happy. This wish is for me. I would like for my bike’s brakes to be fixed.

Jake Scheiner

How are you? Also how are the reindeer and Mrs. Claus? One wish for the world is to be peaceful. My wish for someone else is for my little brother, for him to get his toy cars. A wish for me is to get a mini fridge for Christmas.

Kimimila Stead

How many toys do your elves make? I’m not gonna be in Wrangell this year, I’m gonna be in North Carolina. I want the world to get Covid out of here. I’ve been sort of good and bad this year but please give me presents. I want my mom to have a frying pan. You can give it to her if you want. Finally, I want a game called Splatoon 3 please. Bye Santa.

Kaden Fish

How is Mrs. Claus, and how are the reindeer? And how are the elves? I want a Nintendo Switch please. I want to have a bunch of Legos please. Can you give Sophie an iPad, please?

Titan Churchill

How are the reindeer doing Santa? Are they okay? Oh, and I know one too. One is Dasher. Also, there are Comet, Prancer and other reindeer. I love your reindeer, Santa. All of them are very nice. I love them.

Kevin Smalley

Letters from Tracey Martin’s fifth grade class

Hello Saint Nick. For Christmas I really want a Harry Potter castle Lego set, and a .223 hunting rifle. These two items I’ve been wanting for a while, but I also want the world to have peace and freedom. Also, I want my mom and dad to never work. All these things mean something to me both fiscally and mentally.

Gabriel Lowell

What I want for Christmas is Lego city planes, boats, cars/trucks and buildings, but the one I want is the Lego City Police Patrol. Why I want it is because I love Legos, so please get it for me Santa!

Logan Tyler Janssen


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