Wrangell will go without ferry service Jan. 11 to Feb. 3

Wrangell will go without any state ferry service for three weeks this winter while the Alaska Marine Highway System cuts back on port calls as its ships head into winter overhaul.

There will be nothing northbound out of Wrangell after the Kennicott’s scheduled Jan. 6 sailing to Petersburg and Juneau until the Matanuska comes back into service after its winter work and stops here northbound on Feb. 3.

The Kennicott’s last southbound run before winter overhaul is scheduled for Jan. 11 in Wrangell, with the Matanuska set to stop here Feb. 6 on its southbound route to Ketchikan.

The service gap is similar for Petersburg this winter

Haines and Skagway, at the northern end of the Panhandle, will see weekly service in January, though at reduced levels from last year.

Kodiak will be the hardest hit by winter service cutbacks, with a ferry scheduled into town on Jan. 4 and then no service for two months until March 3.


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