Police report

Monday, Jan. 30

Traffic stop: Verbal working for expired registration.

Traffic stop: Citations issued for expired registration and failure to provide proof of insurance.

Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle.

Agency assist: Hoonah Police Department.

Motor vehicle accident.

Agency assist: Fire Department.

Welfare check.

Tuesday, Jan. 31

Welfare check: Person is out of town.

Traffic stop: Citation issued for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for improper display of tabs.

Traffic stop: Citation issued for speeding in a school zone and verbal warning for expired driver’s license.

Traffic stop: Citation issued for expired registration.

Paper service.

Wednesday, Feb. 1

Theft: Firewood.


Traffic stop: Verbal warning for improper display of tabs.

Arrest: Intoxicated person on licensed premises.

Thursday, Feb. 2

Intoxicated person: Refusing to leave the bar.

Letter served to remove a person from a licensed establishment.

Dog complaint.

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for headlight out.

Domestic violence order: Violation.

Friday, Feb. 3

Agency assist: Hoonah Police Department.

Agency assist: Ambulance requested.

Citizen assist: Vehicle unlock.

Traffic stop: Citations issued for driving with expired driver’s license and no proof of insurance.

Found property.

Traffic stop: Citations issued for expired registration and no proof of insurance.

Agency assist: Petersburg Police Department.

Traffic stop: Citations issued for failure to provide proof of insurance and driving while license is revoked.

Suspicious circumstance.

Saturday, Feb. 4

Traffic stop: Verbal warning for improper display of tags and failure to carry and show driver’s license.

Fireworks complaint.

Agency assist: Ambulance requested.

Traffic stop: Citation issued for new owner to obtain or transfer vehicle registration.

Noise complaint.

Sunday, Feb. 5

Domestic violence order.

Noise complaint.

Found keys.

During this reporting period there were five subpoenas served and five citations issued for speeding in a school zone.


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