The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

April 5, 1923

The regular meeting of the executive committee of the Red Cross was held at the town hall last Monday. The principal business transaction was the appointment of Mrs. Stephen D. Grant as public health nurse for Wrangell for a year beginning April 16, with a two months leave of absence without pay during June and July at which time Mrs. Grant will take a six-week course in public health nursing in Portland, approved by the American Red Cross. Mrs. Grant, who is a graduate nurse with post-graduate work, enjoys the confidence of the community and is recognized as being thoroughly competent. That the local chapter of the Red Cross is providing a community nurse for Wrangell is a forward-looking movement which will produce far-reaching results in the health and well-being of the community.

April 9, 1948

Wrangell, like California recently, was suffering a drought and water for the town still remains at a critical stage. A party which went up to the dams yesterday found the water low and, though there is plenty of snow at that level, it is not melting to any degree. Citizens are warned to still be careful of water use. There is still danger that it will have to be shut off at certain times during the day, and a break in a main on Front Street this morning did not help the situation. Residents from Bro. Gunn’s shoe shop at Grant’s Corner were out of water while repairs were made. So far in April, weather records show Wrangell has had 0.08 inches of rain, and the forecast is for continued clear weather. While saving water is not necessary at present, people are urged to preserve pressure IN CASE OF FIRE.

April 6, 1973

Two-thousand dollars worth of new equipment has been purchased by Wrangell General Hospital with funds provided by the Hospital Auxiliary. The money was collected through donations, money-raising bake sales and other projects, according to past Auxiliary President Carolyn Bullerwill. Hospital Administrator Emma Ivy and Mrs. Bullerwell announced the funds were used to buy two cold-air streamers, an air compressor to operate a breathing-assistance machine, and an X-ray viewing box. Mrs. Ivy said it was decided the equipment for respiratory patients was needed immediately because of the recent flu epidemic. The X-ray viewing device was needed with the addition to the hospital staff of Dr. Estol Belflower, a radiologist from Juneau. Dr. Belflower will work in the hospital on a monthly-visit basis.

April 9, 1998

The new Alaska Marine Highway System ferry Kennicott will be delivered a month later than expected. Halter Marine, the Mississippi shipyard building the Kennicott, said construction time was lost due to the lateness of the design’s completion, El Nino-related weather delays and testing needed for equipment on the ship. The Kennicott was to have started serving the Bellingham-to-Skagway run in early June, but now it won’t enter service until July 7. In the meantime, the Malaspina will pick up the slack.


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