Local contractor to take on pool building residing work

The siding on the exterior of the pool building is deteriorating and local contractor Johnson Construction and Supply has been awarded a contract to take on the repairs.

The $474,497 contract is funded through a combination of borough funds and state grant money from the Lost Revenue Relief Grant. The state distributed the federal money to Alaska municipalities as a form of pandemic relief, to help compensate for reduced sales tax and other revenues. It can be used for maintenance of old infrastructure and new builds.

The siding project will involve replacing the exterior cedar siding with new siding, removing the brick work from the support columns outside the pool and replacing the brick with phenolic panel — a weather-resistant and easy-to-clean resin paneling that can be used to display pictures and designs.

“A focus of the borough is to preserve the integrity of our buildings, from the outside to inside,” said Capital Facilities Director Amber Al-Haddad in a previous interview. “An exterior building assessment indicated the structure is in good condition; however, the siding is starting to deteriorate. Replacing the siding will allow us to confirm and repair any hidden structural damage as well as ensue long-term protection of the building’s structural system from weather elements.”

Borough officials hope to complete the project this summer.


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