The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

June 7, 1923

A much needed improvement at the school house is the storeroom that has been built in the basement, at the front of the building, by Supt. Gross. Since the re-arrangement of the interior of the building about five years ago, the school has had no place to store such things as costumes used for entertainment and programs, extra books, Christmas tree trimmings and many other articles. The result has been that many things have been lost or so scattered that they had to be replaced. Considerable damage by mice has been done to articles placed in the attic. The new room, materials for which were purchased by the city council, is 12 feet by 12 feet, well lighted and vermin proof. It is furnished with shelves and cupboards and will fill a long felt want.

June 11, 1948

Two hundred and fifty members of the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, including some of their wives, will arrive here at 8 p.m. June 15, on the new Canadian National steamer Prince George. They will make a four-hour stay while the ship is in port. According to the Stikine Stampede Committee, a short entertainment program will be held at the ANB Hall, with all locals dressed in Days of ‘98 costume admitted free. This is to encourage local folks to dress up in their costumes to meet the boat and add color to our Stikine Stampede celebration. Programs at the hall will include the Can-Can Girls, the “Shooting of Dan McGrew” and the Back Room Balladiers.

June 15, 1973

The site for Wrangell’s sewage treatment plant was selected when the Wrangell City Council met last Tuesday evening. A resolution designating the cemetery site as the location for the sewage treatment plant was approved by the council. The state has insisted that the treatment plant be located on the waterfront if at all possible. Since the state is expected to contribute the lion’s share of the cost of the facility and the city will be vulnerable to lawsuit if it does not meet water quality standards by 1974, the council somewhat reluctantly agreed to locate the facility at what City Manager Herb McNabb termed “a compromise site.” The council was told that there is sufficient land at the cemetery site so that the plant can be screened from view and that the area is large enough to allow for expansion of the facility in the future if this becomes necessary.

June 11, 1998

During their regular meeting Tuesday night, the city council approved a motion from the Economic Development Committee to accept the new financing proposal submitted by Silver Bay Logging for the 6-Mile Mill property, with the city paying an amount not to exceed $1.4 million to buy down the interest rate on the loan for the operation. The deal includes employment levels established in the original memorandum of uderstanding with the company. After lengthy discussion with representatives of Silver Bay Logging, the council unanimously approved the proposal. “The sweet smell of sawdust is ever so good when you go around the corner out there,” said Mayor Bill Privett.


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