Hiding behind a church is no way to run a campaign

Opponents of ranked-choice voting in Alaska want to put an initiative on the ballot so that voters can overturn the law in the 2024 election. To do that, they need to collect signatures from about 26,000 registered voters to win a spot on the statewide ballot.

To do that, and then run a statewide campaign to convince a majority of voters to dump the new voting system, they will need money. Six-figure money. Which means fundraising.

But the laws around soliciting and accepting campaign donations are a problem for people who want to remain anonymous. The laws also require disclosure of how the money is spent. Even more of a handicap for campaign fundraisers, political donations are not deductible on federal taxes.

So, what better way to solve the problems than to hide behind a tax-deductible, self-proclaimed religious organization that can accept anonymous donations.

It appears that’s what Alaskans for Honest Elections, which is leading the ballot initiative effort, has done. I guess the name of the group is more for show than anything else.

Just as the name of the Ranked Choice Education Association doesn’t quite match up with the work of influencing political ballot initiatives. It incorporated as a church in Washington state in December 2022. According to its articles of incorporation, its mission is “to promote Christian doctrines, establish and oversee places of worship, evangelize worldwide, support missionary activities.” Oh yes, and promote “the preservation of truth.”

It sure seems to me that supporting election politics is contrary to the preservation of truth, but the church works in mysterious and wonderous ways.

Besides, it’s complicated.

At least the association’s website is more honest than its incorporation papers, which I suspect were written to comply with Washington state law to qualify as a tax-exempt religious organization. The website doesn’t say a word about worship, evangelizing or missionary activities. All it talks about is ranked-choice voting and why the group believes it does not work. Oh yes, and the website asks for money.

Money, it appears, that will help fund the effort in Alaska to overturn ranked-choice voting.

The new church is an “integrated auxiliary” of the Wellspring Fellowship of Alaska, according to its incorporation papers. Art Mathias is president of the Ranked Choice Education Association and director of the anti-ranked-choice voting Alaskans for Honest Elections. He also is president of Wellspring Ministries, which includes Wellspring Fellowship.

In a February event at Wellspring Ministries in Anchorage, Mathias told attendees that he had contributed $100,000 to Alaskans for Honest Elections and asked them to donate, too. Except that his donation does not appear on the group’s filings with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, which tries to enforce the state’s campaign finance laws. Instead, records show he gave his money to the Washington state-based religious nonprofit, which has sent at least $90,000 of it to Alaskans for Honest Elections.

At least the money made it back to Alaska.

The group that brought ranked-choice voting and open primaries to Alaska — winning voter support in a 2020 ballot initiative — has filed a complaint with state regulators, alleging that Alaskans for Honest Elections has violated state campaign finance laws with its fundraising workaround.

Mathias told the Anchorage Daily News that the complaint is “just politics and lies.”

The underlying problems are too much money in political campaigns, inadequate enforcement of the laws on the books and large holes for front groups to raise and spend millions without disclosing their donors. I pray the Alaska Legislature gets religion about strengthening campaign finance laws.

Maybe I could get the new church to support me in that.


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