Classified ads


Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following positions:

- Secondary School Secretary: This is a full-time, 10-month position with benefits working in the middle and high school. Salary placement is Column D on the Classified Salary Schedule. Responsibilities include performing office functions at a public school and serving as secretary to the school administration, students and staff. The anticipated start date is August 7, 2023.

- Temporary Secondary School Secretary: This is a temporary position working in the middle and high school. Salary placement is Column D on the Classified Salary Schedule. Responsibilities include performing office functions at a public school and serving as secretary to the school administration, students and staff. The anticipated dates of this position are August 7 – October 13, 2023.

For detailed job description and salary schedule, please contact the District Office at 907-874-2347. These positions are open until filled. It is Wrangell Public School District policy to not discriminate based on age, race, color, national origin, sex or disability.


Johnson’s Building Supply is hiring for a yardman/customer service position. Responsibilities include retail sales, computer knowledge, receiving freight, stocking inventory, truck loading/unloading, deliveries and friendly customer service. Work schedule is Tuesday-Saturday. Must have a valid Alaska driver’s license, forklift experience is beneficial (will train), some heavy lifting, prior construction knowledge is favorable, pay DOE. Pick up an application at Johnson’s Building Supply.


Two Stikine River properties on west side of Farm Island in King Slough: 200-foot frontage, 6-plus acres, $80,000; 8-acre backlot, lots of good access, $60,000. Can access the main river at any stage of tide. Willing to finance. Call 907-518-0101.


Do you have something to sell? Having a garage sale? Looking to buy something? Classified ads for individuals and community groups are free in the Sentinel. Contact Amber at 907-874-2301 or email


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