The Way We Were

From the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago

Aug. 30, 1923

Arrangements for the library benefit program and dance, which will be given by the Civic Club next Monday evening at the Redmen Hall, have been completed. Music by a newly organized orchestra under the leadership of O. A. Bronson has been secured for the dance. The seats will be arranged around the hall for the program, so that dancing can begin immediately at its close. Admission to the program and dance is 50 cents for adults, and 25 cents for children 14 years and under. Super is 25 cents extra.

Aug. 27, 1948

City Clerk Robert Wickman today reminded all young men 18 to 25 that draft registration begins next week. Registrations are being taken at City Hall. It was emphasized that all men 18 through 25 MUST register, whether they have a previous service record or regardless of whether they are in the reserves. The law states that all men between the ages of 18 and 25 must comply. Registration at City Hall will begin Monday morning, Aug. 30, and will run through Sept. 18. Although, in larger communities, certain dates have been set aside for certain age groups, Wickman said that practice will not be adhered to in Wrangell. He urges all men between those ages to register as soon as possible, and added he hoped response would be prompt.

Aug. 24, 1973

The city council will attempt in a special session Sept. 10 to come up with an ordinance that would allow limited use of city streets by snowmobiles. Councilman Ken Mason reminded the council Tuesday that “winter is approaching fast” and suggested that a state law prohibiting snowmobiles from using public streets is not reasonable for Wrangell. “There are people who own these machines and do not have a truck to carry them to the outlying areas,” Mason said. He said the city should consider allowing snowmobiles to travel public streets enroute to snowmobile use areas. Mayor Don House said, “Well, we have snowmobiles and we’re going to have more this winter. They are definitely here to stay and I think we should have some law to take care of them.”

Aug. 27, 1998

At the regular city council meeting Tuesday evening Judy Bakeberg, secretary-treasurer of the Wrangell Golf Course Board, reported on the course’s first 65 days of business. She reported the organization has 808 members; this includes 336 from Wrangell, 53 from Petersburg, 36 from Ketchikan, 13 from Sitka, 43 from Juneau, and 20 from other Southeast towns, for a total of 505 from Southeast. Bakeberg recalled that when the original business plan was presented, the organization estimated that for a 210-day season they would generate 5,300 rounds of golf for an average of 757 per month. Now, after 65 days, they have 1,457 rounds, averaging 729, just short of the estimate. Income has totaled $15,812 and expenses have totaled $16,757. The course has four employees including three full time and one part time, with three being displaced timber workers.


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