Police report

Monday, Oct. 2

Traffic stop: Citation issued for speeding.

Traffic complaint.

Tuesday, Oct. 3

Motor vehicle accident.

Motor vehicle accident.

Wednesday, Oct. 4

Traffic stop: Warning for no tail lights.

Citizen assist: Abandoned vehicle.

Traffic stop: Warning for faulty equipment.

Thursday, Oct. 5

Welfare check.

Traffic complaint.

Domestic disturbance.

Friday, Oct. 6

Agency assist: Fire Department.

Agency assist: Fraud.

Motor vehicle accident: Deer.

Suspicious circumstance.

Traffic stop: Warning for headlight out.

Noice complaint.

Traffic stop: Citations issued for driving while license suspended and failure to provide proof of insurance. Warning for expired registation and speeding.

Saturday, Oct. 7

Disorderly conduct.

Motor vehicle accident: Deer.

Sunday, Oct. 8

Agency assist: Hospital.


Agency assist: Hospital.

Agency assist: Amburance.

Theft: Unfounded.

Traffic stop: Citation issued for speeding.

During this reporting period there were eight agency assists for the Hoonah Police Department and three ambulance requests.


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